4 Secrets to Persuading Retailers to Place Your Metal Display

If you are a distributor or private label brand owner, we don’t need to convince you that a metal display is one of the best ways to increase your products’ visibility in retail stores. You know it, and you probably have at least one already installed. Should that be the case, then consider yourself fortunate.

Many entrepreneurs find it an insurmountable challenge. And if you belong to this group, we’re here to turn the tables for you.

In this article, you will learn the efficient strategies of winning retail store owners to your side, and allowing you to showcase your merchandise using a metal display in their spaces. Each of these methods has one underlying tactic — to demonstrate what’s in it for them.

Secret #1: Unveil the Power of Metal Displays

When you show owners of groceries, supermarkets, and convenience stores the following benefits of allowing you to display your products in metal structures, it would be difficult for them to say no:

Significantly Boost Product Sales

Metal displays outshine traditional in-store setups thanks to their distinctive ability to enhance product visibility. The key to their effectiveness lies in the design, which is optimized to catch the eye of potential buyers from the moment they enter the store. Consequently, they increase sales by 540%, improve the likelihood of purchase, and decrease “just window shopping” incidents.

Generate Interest Among Customers

By choosing a metal display, you create an immersive shopping experience for customers to engage with your brand. This strategic approach to product presentation leverages the structure’s aesthetic appeal and durability, which encourages customers to come back again and again.

Draw First Time Shoppers In

Through proper placement (in cooperation with the store owners), a visually striking metal display acts as a silent salesperson, offering an unparalleled opportunity to entice passersby. Making your merchandise stand out in a crowded retail environment and through the store windows attracts them to enter a previously unexplored establishment.

Secret #2: Address Retailer Concerns Head-On

As you propose the idea of a metal display to retailers, it’s natural for some of them to express hesitation. Below is a shortlist of their reasons and the corresponding responses you can use.

Longevity and Relevance

These are the predominant concerns among store owners. Hence, it’s essential to provide them with solid reassurance based on factual data: emphasize that a significant majority of free-standing metal displays (90%) remain in stores for over a year. This statistic not only highlights the durability and appeal of metal displays but also proves their lasting value.

Regular Maintenance Responsibility

Stocking and cleaning play a critical role in ensuring that your display continues to attract customers and drive sales. To a considerable extent, these tasks will be in the retailer’s hands. Therefore, it’s understandable for them to feel that being responsible for the structure’s ongoing success and presence is a burden.

In this scenario, it’s crucial to engage in an open dialogue and offer guidance on how to effectively manage the display to maximize its benefits. Address any logistical issues upfront. Discuss the simplicity of assembly, the minimal floor space required, and a strategic placement to enhance the shopping experience without causing disruption.

Low Margins

The maintenance and stocking duties of retailers come at a price: Every inch of space has a corresponding dollar value, and each staff assigned is paid by the hour. Thus, you shouldn’t be surprised if they demand a higher markup in return. But that doesn’t mean giving in is the only solution.

When you propose placing your metal display in stores, include a sell sheet of your products. This document must detail their sellability in short periods to convince retailers of their worth, even at a lower margin. Attach customer feedback if possible, and request documented success in existing displays if available.

By preemptively addressing these concerns with empathy and backed by data, you set the stage for a productive conversation that leans towards a positive outcome.

Secret #3: Demonstrate ROI with a Handy Calculator

Using an ROI calculator is an effective strategy for illustrating to retailers the value that a metal display can bring to their stores. This interactive tool allows for the input of specific metrics, such as current sales figures, customer foot traffic, and the projected increase in sales percentage that a metal display can contribute.

By providing a clear, data-driven visualization of how your display can boost sales and improve the store’s overall performance, you offer a compelling argument in favor of this investment. The calculator serves not only as a persuasive piece of evidence but also empowers retailers to make an informed decision based on their store’s unique dynamics and potential for growth.

Through this line of action, you highlight the financial benefits, making the prospect of adopting a metal display a more tangible and appealing opportunity for retail partners.

Secret #4: Offer a Win-Win Proposal

Approach the collaboration with a spirit of partnership. Illustrate how the metal display serves as an investment in the retailer’s success as much as it does in your product’s visibility. Start by emphasizing the mutual advantages: Increased foot traffic and sales potential for the retailer alongside heightened visibility and consumer engagement for your brand.

To make your proposal even more compelling, consider integrating tailored incentives. This could range from offering an introductory discount on your products for the initial period after the display is set up — to providing additional marketing support to drive consumer awareness. The goal is to emphasize the tangible benefits the retailer will gain by accepting your metal display.

Lastly, stress the seamless integration of the display into their current store layout without causing any disruption to their operations or aesthetics. Assure them of your support at every step, from the strategic placement to the hassle-free installation. Underlining these elements will not only ease any lingering concerns but also paint a vivid picture of how the structure can contribute to a more dynamic and profitable retail environment.

By focusing on creating a balanced proposal that addresses both parties’ interests, you are more likely to foster a cooperative relationship with retailers, paving the way for a successful partnership.

Navigating Logistics and Installation Smoothly

A strong relationship with retail partners is the foundation of successfully placing your metal display in their spaces. We suggest the following steps to get there:

  1. Engage the retailer in a collaborative discussion to pinpoint the optimal placement within their store, ensuring it complements their layout while maximizing your product’s visibility.
  2. Provide comprehensive instructions that detail the assembly process, emphasizing the simplicity and swift nature of setting up the display.
  3. Outline the best practices for ongoing maintenance and the efficient restocking of products to maintain an enticing appearance for consumers.
  4. Demonstrate a proactive approach and offer continuous support throughout this phase to reassure the retailer of your commitment to success, both the display and theirs.

This collaborative effort not only facilitates a smooth installation process but also lays the foundation for a lasting partnership, ultimately contributing to a positive impact on the retailer’s sales and your brand’s customer engagement.